Amanda Hoskinson and Jennecks Boss
send out in VPG3 |
Steve Clark and Arco v.h. Slottesveld
picture perfect heeling in VPG3
Patrice Clarkson and Faldo vom
Ruffhaus - perfect form for VPG2 |
Asira vom Schwabischen Eck, VPG3 |
Butch Henderson's Agir Miss Jackosa
VPG3 |
Jenneck's Boss sails over the jump |
Asira vom Schwabischen Eck on the
wall |
Faldo vom Ruffhaus over the wall |
Sue Nesbitt and Aja in group |
Boss hold and bark |
Agir escape bite |
Faldo escape bite part of a 99
protection exercise |
Fello von der Rodenburg - 2nd place
VPG2 |
Boss's escape bite |
Akir |
Smoky Hills Aja - great grip |
Gus v.v Grube Waldecke, VPG3 taking
down the decoy |
Arco v.h. Slottesveld so fast he's
just a blur |